Dr. Tom Robl, President and Co-Founder

Dr. Brock Marrs, Vice President of Research

Anne Oberlink, MS, Senior Scientist/Chemist
About the Company
NuForm Materials, LLC uses a patented beneficiation process to obtain high purity, value-added ceramic materials for automotive and aerospace composite material applications that require superior performance, improved fuel efficiency, and low cost. Our customers use our recycled ash derived ceramics to produce improved and lightweight metal matrix and polymer composites that, in turn, enhance the performance of their customers’ products in the field. As an added benefit, our products are recycled directly from an energy byproduct making them environmentally friendly, sustainable, and inexpensive.
Dr. Thomas Robl is President and Co-Founder of NuForm Materials. His background includes the development of ash beneficiation technology and product applications for all forms of coal utilization products, including pulverized coal fly ash, bottom ash, scrubber sludge, and fluidized bed combustion ash and gasification slag. He has over 30 years research experience in fossil energy utilization, has been P.I. on over $15 million in external research funding, and has written numerous technical articles and reports as well as several patents. He has an M.S. and Ph.D. in Geology from the University of Kentucky (1974,1977) and a B.S. in Geology from the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh (1971).
Dr. Brock Marrs is the Vice President for Research of NuForm Materials. His background is in biomedical engineering with a concentration in Orthopaedic biomaterials. He has over five years experience in the development, processing, characterization, and application of composite materials with a focus on mechanical performance and fracture properties. He has industrial experience working as the principal researcher in the development of Orthopaedic composites with Finsbury Orthopaedics, Ltd (United Kingdom). He has a M.S. and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Kentucky (2004, 2007) and a B.S. in Physics-Engineering from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia (2001). Dr. Marrs is currently serving as the Principal Investigator on the company’s federally funded project.
Anne Oberlink, MS is a senior scientist and chemist with NuForm Materials. She holds two M.S. degrees in Chemisty from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (2008, with a concentration in organic/biological chemistry) and the University of Kentucky (2010, with a concentration in inorganic/materials chemistry), and a B.S. degree in Chemistry from Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville (2006). She has experience working with slags, cements, cement additives, and clay minerals, among others.